What is Vitalistic Naturopathic Medicine?

Individualized medical care that addresses the root cause of illness, stimulates your innate healing response, and uses the least invasive methods to do so. In this philosophical framework, you are empowered to be your own healer!

The highest ideal of cure is the speedy, gentle, and enduring restoration of health by the most trustworthy and least harmful way.
— Dr. Samuel Hahnemann
  • You’ve been told by others doctors that you’ll never recover without lifelong prescription medications, that “it’s all in your head”, or “there’s nothing wrong with you”—but you know there has to be another way.

    You want to focus on finding the root cause of your ailments instead of suppressing symptoms.

    You’re ready to see improvements in all areas of your health as you become more empowered to make lasting changes.

  • 1.First Do No Harm:

    Utilize the least invasive and least toxic therapies to encourage your innate healing response.

    2.The Healing Power of Nature:

    Recognize the ordered and intelligent vital force underlying all biological systems.

    3.Identify and Treat the Causes:

    Identify and remove obstacles to cure, and avoid suppression of symptoms.

    4.Doctor as Teacher:

    Develop a trusting relationship with you to promote active engagement with your own healing process.

    5.Treat the Whole Person:

    Ensure treatment that encompasses a holistic framework and recognizes the interconnected nature of mind-body-spirit.


    Prevent illness to ensure the best health outcome, utilizing the above principles.

  • I currently offer the following treatments and modalities:

    -Adult primary care

    -Craniosacral therapy


    -Herbal medicine

    -Physical medicine, including spinal adjustments

    -Laboratory testing (conventional and alternative)

    -Phlebotomy (blood draws)

    Stay tuned for future offerings!